While SAP Screen Personas is great for enhancing the user experience on various devices, its capabilities on mobile devices were somewhat limited. Therefore, SAP introduced the Slipstream Engine with version 3.0 SP16 of the Screen Personas. This component allows you to render classical SAP GUI Transactions (Dynpro/WebDynpro) into Fiori flavours on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. Slipstream Engine is an SAP UI5 application that runs in a browser and obtains screen definitions from the Internet Transaction Server (ITS). Unlike SAP GUI for HTML (Web GUI), Slipstream Engine was engineered to run on mobile devices. Hence, Slipstream Engine provides an alternative browser-based rendering approach for SAP GUI screens that helps improve mobile warehouse operations.
Building mobile applications follows a simplified process compared to building desktop applications, using the SAP Screen Personas editor with strong low-code functionalities. If you are building apps to run in Slipstream Engine, we recommend building them using the SAP Screen Personas editor running in Slipstream Engine (as opposed to in Web GUI). Like the rendering differences with other members of the SAP GUI family, there may be slight rendering differences between Web GUI and Slipstream Engine.