KPS | Composable Commerce

Composable Commerce

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Maximise your tech investment with Composable Commerce

Are you looking for ways to scale your business as quickly and efficiently as possible. Do you also want to ensure that your infrastructure is secure, reliable and under your control?  Then check out our Path to Composable eBook and learn how you can leverage your investment in your existing platforms whilst evolving your tech stack to give you agility and flexibility to future proof your business.​

What is composable commerce?

Jump start your composable business

Over the last few years, we've seen an increasing challenge for merchants to keep up with customer demands. With the rise of the mobile web and shorter innovation cycles, it's become more important than ever for merchants to have a structure in place that allows them to be agile and quick. Time to market is now a leading competitive differentiator.​


​Monolithic eCommerce applications, which are still used by many big retailers worldwide, have become a bottleneck for innovation. While they can be deployed all at once, they are also complex and inflexible. ​


There is a new approach to commerce that will help you overcome these challenges. This composable approach is based on MACH architecture and leverages your investment in your existing platforms whilst evolving your tech stack to give you agility and flexibility to future proof your business.​


Composable commerce involves taking best of breed technologies from various vendors rather than a single vendor and composing them in a modular way to suit your business needs. Without affecting the rest of your architecture these technologies can be easily added, replaced, and removed as your business needs grow or change. 

What is MACH?

Gear up for modern commerce

Composable architecture is based on the MACH Principles. The MACH principles presented by the MACH Alliance  advocates for an open and best-of-breed enterprise technology ecosystem. The ecosystem technology is: Microservices based, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS and Headless.

1. Microservices

Individual pieces of business functionality that are independently developed, deployed, and managed.

1. API-first

All functionality is exposed through an API.​

1. Cloud-native SaaS

SaaS that leverages the cloud, beyond storage and hosting, including elastic scaling and automatically updating.
Cloud-native SaaS

1. Headless

Front-end presentation is decoupled from back-end logic and channel, programming language, and is framework agnostic.

Ready, set, go!

Are you ready for composable?

Intrested in learning more about how composable commerce can benefit your business? Get in touch with our experts today!

Best of both composable commerce

Moving to Composable

Best of Both

KPS has pioneered a ‘Best of Both’ approach, ensuring legacy and newly implemented technologies can perform in a MACH compliant way. This preserves investment but also enables composable commerce opportunities in the future.


KPS is implementing solutions that bring flexibility to these hybrid environments, extracting the best possible performance out of existing "monoliths", which you may not want to tear down and rebuild, augmented with state-of-the-art MACH components to deliver integration and a path to the future.

Electronik Conrad: Mehr Auswahl, geringere Prozesskosten

Vor der Einführung seines Marktplatzes bot Conrad ein rund 800.000 Artikel umfassendes Sortiment. Fünf Jahre später sind es bereits über 7 Millionen Produktangebote von mehr als 650 Herstellern und Distributoren, die ihre Ware über den Conrad Marketplace vertreiben. Bei Conrad Electronic hat man sich deshalb für ein kuratiertes Marktplatzmodell entschieden und somit das Angebot ideal auf die Kundenbedürfnisse ausgerichtet.

Douglas, einer der führenden europäischen Premium-Beauty-Händler, verzeichnete seit dem Start seines Online-Marktplatzes ein exponentielles Wachstum. Das Angebot hat sich in 2 Jahren vervielfacht und umfasst heute über 100.000 Produkte. Mit seiner Plattformstrategie bewältigte Douglas die Coronavirus-Pandemie und steigerte dank Mirakl-Technologie die Anzahl seiner Produkte und Partner erheblich.

Hat Ihr Business das Zeug zum Marketplace? Eine Machbarkeitseinschätzung gibt Ihnen Klarheit. Wählen Sie aus unseren drei Analyse-Optionen und erhalten Sie verlässliche, individuelle Handlungsempfehlungen. Steigen Sie kostenlos ein und vertiefen Sie Ihre Analyse durch die Wahl weiterführender Bundles.


Composable Commerce Conversation with KPS and SAP

Barnaby Moffat, UK Commercial Director at KPS and Alex Timlin, Head of Customer Experience Solutions Go To Market at SAP, discuss the importance of composability and how a best of both approach is beneficial to future-proof and scale your business.

Our Clients

KPS is here to guide you through your composable journey

KPS is already helping a number of our clients on their composable journey.  With our industry-leading know-how and passion for successful transformations, we develop composable eCommerce solutions that increase sales, boost conversion rates and deliver excellent customer experiences.


Why don’t you just take a look for yourselves?


Partner logos

Our Partners

KPS has a successful partner ecosystem

As a member of the MACH alliance, we work with the best of breed technology partners.  


Together we assure our customers a very broad portfolio of future-oriented solutions to strengthen their competitive edge.

Our Partners

KPS has a successful partner ecosystem

As a member of the MACH alliance, we work with the best of breed technology partners.  


Together we assure our customers a very broad portfolio of future-oriented solutions to strengthen their competitive edge.

Download Now

Path to Composable eBook

Download the eBook to discover how you can can maximise your investments and future proof your business with composable commerce. 



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