Example of an individual user approach in eCommerce

Intelligent and human

4 Examples for an individual user approach in eCommerce

AI and behavioural economics in eCommerce

With AI and behavioural psychology to a personalised user experience

In the first part of the blog series about the partnership between KPS and behamics, we showed how important personalisation is for online retailing and what contribution artificial intelligence and behavioural economics make to this. In this follow-up, I would now like to illustrate with a few examples how an individual, supportive and purchase-motivating user approach can look. In doing so, I will again draw on the insights and knowledge of Valon Xhafa and Thilo Pfrang, founders of behamics and experts on the topic of AI-supported behavioural control in eCommerce.

The price

Purchase motivation 1: Price and its influence on the willingness to buy

Price is one of the most important criteria for the purchase decision. Here, the motivation to buy is usually not influenced by economic considerations, but by social preferences, norms and heuristics. Sometimes customers want to save money and are looking for a bargain. For many consumers, the price reflects the quality and they are willing to pay more. Those who value individuality believe that a high price is a sign of exclusivity. 

Prices and interventions in pricing must fit the product and the intended target group in order to have a sales-promoting effect

Narrow down choices

Purchase motivation 2: Narrowing down the offer through customised options

Price plays a decisive role when consumers are already sure which product they need or want. But it often doesn't get that far.

When customers don't know which offers fit their needs or get lost in an overabundant selection, they tend to abandon the purchase or order on spec and return bad purchases later. A choice with too many options is one of the most common reasons for postponing the decision for a product and withdrawing from the purchase.

Individual advice

Purchase motivation 3: The personal conversation strengthens the willingness to buy

In bricks-and-mortar stores, expert sales staff can help with this kind of uncertainty. In a personal conversation, customers can clarify unanswered questions and clear up doubts - the best prerequisites for reaching for the right product.

Live reactions

Purchase motivation 4: Individual dialogues provide orientation and awaken the desire to buy

In online retail, live reactions are among the most important instruments for personalising the user experience. Intelligent algorithms can reach the customer just as directly as the personal approach when shopping in the shop. With AI support, open questions can be answered and uncertainties dispelled. In addition, it is also possible to present new products, awaken a need and strengthen motivation in the case of spontaneous interest in buying.

With KPS and behamics at the forefront of user-centred UX

AI and behavioural economics

With KPS and behamics at the forefront of user-centred UX

KPS immediately recognised the potential of behamics' AI and behavioural psychology-based eCommerce solutions. Their integration into our UX Operating Model is a consistent step towards a holistically optimised customer journey. The cooperation with behamics fulfils our claim of making cutting-edge technology available to our customers for a future-proof digital transformation.

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