Modulare Architekturen und der Aufstieg des Composable Commerce

How companies benefit from innovative approaches

Enabling composable commerce

Composable CX

In recent years, several innovative approaches have revolutionised how companies operate and act across industries.

One of the most exciting developments is the concept of Composable Customer Experience. This approach allows companies to flexibly and individually design their business model and IT landscapes with a holistic view of customer interaction.

The most important idea here for companies is that companies can react quickly to changes, regardless of the nature of these changes.

The constant growth in communication channels, the changes brought about by new information structures, the emergence of new market opportunities, and trading on marketplaces make it hard for companies to keep up. The need for a new lightness in the face of all changes is excellent; this is precisely where the Composable concept comes in. Through a modular design, the aim is to re-orchestrate as needed and optimise again and again.

The mindset of modular architecture refers to composable business and composable commerce: the independence of individual components that communicate with each other is the crucial point here. The new approach makes it possible to take risks, as modular IT projects are no longer interdependent. At the same time, generally applicable designs and paradigms can be found in orchestration, which can simplify and control complex structures.

The new way of thinking is implemented by solution providers with suitable technology, for example, through the API-first principle or headless commerce: practical tools for composable trade.

How does Composable Commerce define itself?

Composable Commerce aims to make eCommerce flexible and customisable according to the concept of a Composable CX. Instead of using a large and rigid system monolith, Composable Commerce relies on a compilation of different, independent building blocks. This allows the best available tools and services to be selected to create a customised solution for specific requirements. It is important to strategically think through and plan the necessity of the individual components and their coordination. A consulting effort pays off quickly at this point.

The basic approach in Composable Commerce is to divide the software into two parts: what the customers see (frontend) and the technology in the background (backend). This creates the freedom to select and combine specific technologies according to a 'best-of-breed' approach. The goal is a flexible and responsive structure for online commerce that can cope with all changes.

The UK has a thriving eCommerce landscape with compelling customer experience solutions and is known for its innovation in the digital economy. British companies have realised that a flexible approach to building their eCommerce systems is crucial to keep up with ever-changing customer demands. Many companies have jumped on the Composable Commerce bandwagon thanks to this realisation.

Within the framework of this trend movement, those above technological focal points developed:

  • Headless Commerce is to be seen as an essential building block in Composable Commerce: Front-end and back-end components of the eCommerce system are decoupled from each other. Companies switched to headless commerce for more flexibility and freedom in designing customer experiences.
  • Composable Commerce now goes one step further by decoupling the front-end and back-end and every system element. Only in this way can a completely customised IT landscape be created.

Countless solutions available for us to explore and utilise

Various platform and solution providers are helping to realise the vision of Composable Commerce. For the best choice, companies face difficult decisions: For example, while one solution provider focuses on content delivery and flexibility, another focuses on user-friendly management tools. 

The choice between different solutions and components depends on a company's specific needs and goals. Consultancy is an excellent support from the beginning of the planning process. One needs to know the advantages and disadvantages of each solution component well to make the right decision. With the selection of the best partner solutions, a holistic strategy for building the modular architecture must be designed.

Data exchange and data consistency

In composable commerce, data plays a crucial role as it needs to be shared between different components and systems. The challenge is to ensure that data is transferred in real-time and consistently to provide a seamless customer experience. By implementing event-based architectures, using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and setting up data warehouses or data lakes, data exchange can be optimised and data consistency improved.

Scalability and performance

Another aspect to consider is the scalability and performance of the systems. With an increasing number of users and transactions, eCommerce solutions must be able to cope with the demands. Solution strategies such as the use of cloud infrastructures, the implementation of microservices, and the use of caching technologies are essential here. These approaches can improve scalability and performance to ensure a smooth and fast shopping experience.


6. Sustainable strategy through composability

Let's summarise: The concept of a Composable Customer Experience offers the possibility to build the IT landscape modularly, adapt it flexibly, and tailor it to the individual requirements of the user groups. It enables the seamless integration of different components and systems so that companies can select and combine their technology stacks as needed.

The Composable approach also allows your eCommerce business to quickly adapt to implement new functionality as needed and be fully resilient to changing market conditions.

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