Shopping by appointment has ever been a good idea in retail to better manage the capacity utilisation of a shop.
A central platform is the optimal solution for synchronising offers online with the retail shop: the entire shopping process can be mapped on it. ClickAndMeet can be launched just as quickly as ClickAndCollect: The booking process is implemented within two weeks.
The concept of shopping by appointment is not only effective for now.
The current legal requirements bring ClickAndMeet into the public focus – at the same time, Shopping by Appointment meets a fundamental need in retail. Heavily frequented shops are unburdened by schedulable visiting times, customers can be directed to neighbouring shops, and at the simultaneously low-frequented shops or time slots can be revitalised.
The concept of appointments for shopping is of course particularly useful right now, so that we can approach shop openings in a controlled way: The predictable contact limits offer security and protection for customers and retailers during the pandemic. No less, this concept offers convenience and a wide range of options for buyers and sellers.
Do your customers want some advice?
With a booked appointment, your customers can be sure that there will be time and space for advice while they are shopping. As a retailer, you can determine yourself in the booking process how many customers should be personally advised in a specific time slot.
Consider which products you would like to recommend in advance during the booking process. Through personal contact in the booking process, you as a trader have the opportunity to visibly bring product offers to the attention of your customers. Offer your customers data storage with a customer account and include personal preferences in the recommendation process. Based on data, it becomes easy to include personal recommendations online - in the conversation on site, you simply follow up on this!
By assigning appointments, you as a salesperson thus get the opportunity - even before the customer enters your shop - to explicitly adjust to your customers. If you are able to access customer data, you can create recommendations and/or replacement items based on the purchase history, which you can then prepare for the customer's visit. In this way, you create up-selling and cross-selling potential on a customer-specific basis.
If no historical customer data is available yet, you can let the customers select specific products or product groups using the appointment process in order to be able to react in a customer-specific way. In the best case, the appointment can also be directly linked to a customer registration for other channels. This in turn strengthens the digital sales channel.
Establishing contact before the shop visit is a great opportunity and not an obstacle for you as a retailer: the more touchpoints you can use, the greater the potential for strong customer loyalty. The ClickAndMeet option is particularly recommended for shops that cannot do without personal advice: Opticians, boutiques and fashion retailers, footwear shops or jewellers.
Getting in touch must be easy - and is continued in the retail shop.
Unified Commerce therefore seamlessly links all digital and stationary omnichannel channels and ensures that customers can move from any touchpoint to the next touchpoint without the customer experience being disrupted.