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Instant Transformation Blog

Experts share their insights

Instant Insights

Covering all aspects of Digital Transformation

In the KPS blog, experts write about the Digital Transformation - here, background knowledge and facts are conveyed and, above all, you find inspiration for your own entrepreneurial transformation. Each article shows a new perspective - the blog series deal with the new big topics of the future.


The authors of the Instant Insights in the KPS blog are experts on their topic and are happy to answer any questions you as a reader may have! Feel free to get in touch.

Discover the top 10 tips to achieve a smooth user experience on marketplaces
By Hamid Gazestani on Aug 10, 2023 / Reading time: 5 Min.
Marketplaces require a consistent user experience to accommodate the increased complexity caused by having multiple sellers.
Digital marketplaces are the new eCommerce battleground
By Branwell Moffat on Aug 1, 2022 / Reading time: 4 min.
Like many terms within eCommerce, there isn’t an official definition of a digital marketplace, but you can easily view it as an eCommerce website that allows multiple third-party merchants to sell their products or services through it.
The Marketplace patent solution – how can retailers benefit?
By Steve Leichsenring on Apr 28, 2022 / Reading time: 4 Min.
For which sectors, company sizes and target groups would an online marketplace really make sense? What special features should retailers implement to guarantee success?

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