Projektmanagement Services with KPS

Project Management Services

Safely reach the finish line

The goal

Project management - but successful!

Around 70% of all IT projects deviate from the original plan, according to common experience. But how do you get projects across the finish line successfully?

KPS supports you with goal-orientated and sustainable project management services - from planning and setup to implementation and after go-live. Are there weaknesses in your existing projects? No problem! We will get your project back on track with fresh energy.

As a leading partner in the implementation of SAP projects in the retail environment, we rely on the SAP ACTIVATE method for project management. The roadmaps, checklists and best practices provided by SAP ensure particularly efficient project management and minimise risks right from the start.

We work with you to develop a project plan, take care of ongoing monitoring and adapt the method if necessary. We always keep an eye on these three key issues:

  • Budget: Is the current calculation correct and are sufficient resources available?
  • Time: Is the schedule realistic?
  • Quality: Is the project scope clearly defined and are the agreed quality criteria being adhered to?

The challenges

We should deal with big problems while they are still small!

Why do projects fail in the first place? There are often many activities to be completed by the project management team at the start of a project, which means that not all of these activities are carried out with the same prioritisation. This can lead to problems later on in the project. Escalations usually occur when budgets, schedules or quality criteria are not met. However, these problems are not always caused by incorrect assumptions during project planning, but also by operational issues that can be improved with additional measures during the project.

Overcoming challenges

Project review - from continuous to situational

Even with perfectly planned projects, challenges and weak points can arise - for example, changes in the team structure, new requirements or technology adaptations.

This is when a professional project review with an experienced partner and certified project managers helps to bring the project forward with a fresh view from the outside. We can also support the team with valuable expertise in all key project areas, including cut-over management, change management, migration management and test management, in the event of bottlenecks.

Most people spend more time and energy avoiding problems than trying to solve them.
Henry Ford

How does the project review work?

The review process is a joint process with your project management team. An open and trusting exchange is essential. Our reviewers are experienced in operational project management and are therefore able to interact respectfully. The aim of the review is to achieve an improvement for the current project team, not to pillory individuals.


Eine integrierte Plattform: Alle Erfolgsfaktoren auf einen Blick

Module & Partner

Modulare Infrastruktur als Erfolgsprinzip für Ihre technologische Transformation

Ausgehend vom Prinzip der Modularität gestalten KPS-Marketingexperten automatisierte Marketing-Systeme mit maßgeschneidertem Aufbau. Durch die Integration interoperabler Funktionsbausteine auf einer modularen Plattform sind reibungslose Prozessabläufe sichergestellt und das symptomatische Herumdoktern an mangelhaften Features erübrigt sich. 

Das Team

Sichern Sie sich die Unterstützung von CX-Spezialisten

Stefan Borchert

Stefan Borchert, Principal

Experte für Marketing Automation
Dr. Lucas Calmbach

Dr. Lucas Calmbach, Partner & Head of Customer Engagement Solutions

Experte für CX

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