KPS Marketplace
KPS Marketplace

You want to get, what you expect?

KPS Marketplace


How to become a successful marketplace – the KPS feasibility assessment

Marketplaces are increasingly being used to generate higher volumes of e-commerce sales. They offer operators unique strategic, competitive advantages, which is why many online traders are considering expanding their business to encompass a marketplace. But not all businesses are suited for this.


Does your business hold marketplace potential? Find out together with KPS, a leading e-commerce implementation partner. Choose from three analysis tools, and take the first, significant step toward securing marketplace success. 


Why you should consider becoming a marketplace

Many different providers offer their products and services on a marketplace. The role of the marketplace owner is to bring together the right suppliers and the right customers on its multi-vendor platform, thereby significantly boosting sales.


Margins up and costs down with dropshipping

Integrate other traders into your marketplace via the dropshipping model. This will allow you to trade and earn money with goods that you do not have to keep in stock. Only when the customers have bought them in your shop do you order them from the wholesaler or manufacturer. The wholesalers or manufacturers then ship directly to the customer. Since the packaging bears your logo, the outside world will still perceive you as the sender. 

Electronik Conrad: Mehr Auswahl, geringere Prozesskosten

Vor der Einführung seines Marktplatzes bot Conrad ein rund 800.000 Artikel umfassendes Sortiment. Fünf Jahre später sind es bereits über 7 Millionen Produktangebote von mehr als 650 Herstellern und Distributoren, die ihre Ware über den Conrad Marketplace vertreiben. Bei Conrad Electronic hat man sich deshalb für ein kuratiertes Marktplatzmodell entschieden und somit das Angebot ideal auf die Kundenbedürfnisse ausgerichtet.

Douglas, einer der führenden europäischen Premium-Beauty-Händler, verzeichnete seit dem Start seines Online-Marktplatzes ein exponentielles Wachstum. Das Angebot hat sich in 2 Jahren vervielfacht und umfasst heute über 100.000 Produkte. Mit seiner Plattformstrategie bewältigte Douglas die Coronavirus-Pandemie und steigerte dank Mirakl-Technologie die Anzahl seiner Produkte und Partner erheblich.

Hat Ihr Business das Zeug zum Marketplace? Eine Machbarkeitseinschätzung gibt Ihnen Klarheit. Wählen Sie aus unseren drei Analyse-Optionen und erhalten Sie verlässliche, individuelle Handlungsempfehlungen. Steigen Sie kostenlos ein und vertiefen Sie Ihre Analyse durch die Wahl weiterführender Bundles.

A marketplace operator is the owner of a digital platform on which its customers can buy products or services from other providers in addition to its own products or services.
Steve Leichsenring, Digital Transformation Marketplace I Associate Partner at KPS AG

Get started now!

Successfully launching your marketplace business model

Does your business have what it takes to become a marketplace? A feasibility assessment will give you clarity. Select from our three analysis options and receive reliable, customized recommendations for action. Test the waters free of charge and deepen your analysis by choosing additional bundles.

best practices

Which marketplace solution should you choose?

Preferably solutions that have proven their worth, are quickly implementable, scalable and easy to integrate. Consequently, KPS draws on solutions such as Spryker, which offers companies successful transactional business models in e-commerce, and the fully configurable Mirakl platform. Thanks to pre-built connectors and flexible APIs, the platform slots into your existing environment easily and offers a seamless experience right from day one.

Douglas Logo


A leading European premium beauty retailer

Douglas, one of Europe's leading premium beauty retailers, has seen exponential growth since the launch of its online marketplace. The offering has multiplied many times over in the space of two years and now includes over 100,000 products.


Douglas’ platform enabled it to effectively overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, while significantly boosting the number of its products and partners thanks to Mirakl technology. 

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Becoming a marketplace

How to successfully participate in the marketplace boom in e-commerce


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