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Instant Transformation Blog

Experts share their insights

Instant Insights

Covering all aspects of Digital Transformation

In the KPS blog, experts write about the Digital Transformation - here, background knowledge and facts are conveyed and, above all, you find inspiration for your own entrepreneurial transformation. Each article shows a new perspective - the blog series deal with the new big topics of the future.


The authors of the Instant Insights in the KPS blog are experts on their topic and are happy to answer any questions you as a reader may have! Feel free to get in touch.

The right timing: When to optimise Travel and Expense Management?
By Andreas Pagh Andersen on Mar 4, 2021 / Reading time: 3 Min.
Once business travel is in demand again, there will be a much higher demand for up-to-date information among your employees than before the pandemic. Another reason to think about it: More transparency in travel and expense management will make it easier to cut costs.
Click & Collect helps retailers in the Corona pandemic - and beyond
By Felix Jungermann on Feb 17, 2021 / Reading time: 3 min.
A solution that can be implemented in the shortest timeframe is needed and the investment also has to pay off in the future. What I build today must still function well and provide benefits tomorrow.
Intelligent maintenance is urgently needed
By Héctor Fernández on Nov 19, 2020 / Reading time: 2 min.
The use of new technologies creates an intelligent and networked production. The necessary technological innovations secure a sustainable and innovative existence for companies.
Individualisation via information - What is relevant?
By Dr. Lucas Calmbach on Aug 27, 2020 / Reading time: 4 min.
Could AI now be used to populate campaigns with relevant content? In fact, AI approaches an optimized solution step by step and through continuous training.
Change often has to be radical
By KPs on Jun 25, 2020 / Reading time: 4 min.
I believe: Transformation is more than "normal" change. It is not linear, but more dynamic, deeper, broader, more radical, in leaps and bounds.
What must logistics offer in the future?
By Jørgen Klüwer on May 7, 2020 / Reading time: 5 min.
Shopping via face and product recognition via camera data analysis is already being tested as a new standard - the operation of the last mile by drone or autonomously driving delivery vehicles are already reality.
Personalised marketing through AI
By Dr. Lucas Calmbach on Apr 16, 2020 / Reading time: 3 min.
How can it be ensured that customers receive only content that appeals to them personally and adds value? With the aid of AI, content can be disseminated more efficiently.
Right at your customers side
By Julian Drees on Mar 26, 2020 / Reading time: 3 min.
Personalization affects many different topics starting from a personalized salutation in mailings to a complex recommendation system that processes customer data and behavior to show the right set of products at the right time.

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