In line with expectations, sales lagged 19% behind the sales for the comparable year-earlier period (44.7 million euros) owing to the sustained impacts arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be noted here that the first quarter in the previous year (1 October to 31 December 2019) was still not influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Key drivers for the sales development continued to be the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business situation of a number of customers. Individual customers continued to ask for project breaks and project postponements. The demand for e-commerce services from KPS continued to be at a high level. The demand for ERP projects continued to remain restrained.
In the currently challenging environment, KPS once again succeeded in generating a comparatively robust EBITDA in the amount of 5.3 million euros in the first quarter of 2020/2021. This corresponds to a fall compared with the year-earlier period of 11.0 %. Once more, this demonstrated that the business model of KPS has effective stabilisers anchored in place, such as flexible cost structures and the capability to respond quickly to changed market conditions. The EBITDA margin improved from 13.2% in the first quarter of 2019/2020 to 14.6% in the reporting period under review.
EBIT amounted to 3.3 million euros (Q1 2019/2020: 4.0 million euros) and the EBIT margin remained virtually unchanged at 9.1% (Q1 2019/2020: 9.2%) compared with the year-earlier period. Earnings after income taxes were 2.1 million euros (Q1 2019/2020: 2.8 million euros).
Based on the data available and the current information, KPS confirms the expectation for the current business year and estimates that it will be able to achieve sales at the level of the business year 2019/2020 in the business year 2020/21. Furthermore, the Executive Board assumes that EBITDA will be able to undergo a moderate increase compared with the previous year.
12 February 2021
The Executive Board